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Best 5 Statistics books

Top 5 Statistics textbooks.

Lists of top textbooks are frequent on the web as they are popular. The fact that there is no appreciable concordance among them indicates that the criteria adopted vary widely.

A factor that is vey rarely considered by the reader of those rankings is the competence of the reviewer. Does the reviewer have adequate education in the fields of relevance?

Equally important questions relate to the education of the author of the textbook.

Is the author a mathematician, a statistician in mathematical statistics, a statistician in applied statistics?

Has the author taught Statistics?

Has the teacher/author been effective? Is there evidence of the success of his students in graduate school and beyond?

In our rankings presented below we took into account the above as well as the following specific criteria.

Criteria: Easy Math, Plain English, Elementary-Advanced, Looks.

Statistics textbook Easy Math Plain English Elementary & Advanced Looks
Statistics for College students and Researchers ***** ***** ***** ***
Statistics in Plain English **** ***** *** ****
Statistics For Dummies **** *** *** ****
Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics *** *** *** *****
Statistics Translated: A Step-by-Step Guide to
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
*** *** *** ****
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