Statistical design practice question 4

A hypothetical ANOVA summary table. Answer the following questions:

1 What is the design?
2. How many independent groups are there in this experiment?
3. How many repeated measures for each subject are there in this experiment?
4. What is the total number of subjects in this experiment?
5. How many subjects were there in each group?
6. Was the finding of this experiment statistically significant?
7. What does p<<0.0001 mean?
8. What does p>0.95
9. Is there a mistake in this table?


Source SS df MS F p
Berween A 36.45 1 36.45 41.66 <0.0001
Between B 120.05 1 120.05 137.2 <0.0001
AxB (interaction) 2.45 1 2.45 2.8 >0.95
Within 14 16 0.88
Total 172.95 19
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